Financial Management


(0609783) [2 hour G] This course specifically discusses the components of financial management, understanding financial statements, accounts receivable and accounts payable, collections, you and your accountant.

Note: Now you can take this course with you wherever you go… switch devices (PC workstation to Ipad), change browsers (explorer to chrome).. you’ll never lose your place in the course. No other CE provider offers you courses with this kind of flexibility!

SKU: O129O Category:


(0609783) [2 hour G] This course specifically discusses the components of financial management, understanding financial statements, accounts receivable and accounts payable, collections, you and your accountant.

Note: Now you can take this course with you wherever you go… switch devices (PC workstation to Ipad), change browsers (explorer to chrome).. you’ll never lose your place in the course. No other CE provider offers you courses with this kind of flexibility!